Histomorphological and Demographic Profile of Breast Carcinoma in Anatomical Pathology Department FKUI/RSCM 2016-2019


  • Fresia Juwitasari Wongkar
  • Tantri Hellyanti
  • Amal Hayati




Invasive breast carcinoma, histologic type, IBC of NST, atypical mitosis


Invasive breast carcinoma (IBC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in woman in the world and Indonesia. IBC is classified into two
main categories: IBC of no special type (NST) and special types. This retrospective study aims to provide histomorphological profile of
mastectomy cases of IBC in Anatomical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
General Hospital (PA FKUI/RSCM) 2016-2019.
This is a descriptive research with cross-sectional design of mastectomy cases, using secondary data from the archives of PA FKUI/RSCM,
starting from 2016- 2019. Collecting clinical data as well as observing several histopathologic parameters including histological type, grade,
atypical mitotic features, lymphovascular invasion, and lymph node metastases. Tumour classification was made based on the WHO breast
criteria in 2019.
During the 2016-2019 period there were 144 cases of IBC. 99.3% of cases occurred in female patients, mostly in the age group from 40 to
59 years and unilateral. The majority had tumour sizes ranging >2-5 cm and were stage II. About a third of cases had received neoadjuvant
chemotherapy, most commonly in advanced local stage tumors. Most histologic type (65.3%) were IBC of NST and 52.8% of cases were
grade 2. There were 92 (63.4%) cases with atypical mitotic features, most commonly found in stage III. Lymphovascular invasion was found
in 38.9% of cases and lymph node metastasis was found in 63.2% of cases.
IBC is the most common cancer in woman, with the most common histologic type were IBC, grade 2, stage II or more. Most of the cases
show atypical mitosis, which is most commonly found in stage III. The findings of lymphovascular invasion did not always coincide with the
findings of lymph node metastases.


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